Breathing Mood Lamp

OLTRA (One Lamp to Rule Them All) is a Breathing Mood Lamp that breathes to help you relax and lights up with any color you want. It can be powered off a power bank, a computer or a wall plug, and it can be easily carried around too. The user can color it according to their mood, by simply turning a knob. It can be used as a table lamp, a ceiling lamp, a lantern or a Halloween pumpkin !

This project was an experiment at making fun desirable objects. The interactions and behaviour was prototyped before, and the desirability of the object was to be gauged by accepting pre-orders. The premise for accepting pre-orders was that if at least ten lamps were pre-ordered, they were desirable enough and upto 30 such lamps would be produced in a small one-time production run, according to how many orders came in. The minimum required ten pre-orders were reached in less than 24 hours, and the full capacity (plus eight over capacity) was reached in 2 days. These lamps will be produced with a tight timeline of 10 days, at which point they will be shipped out.

Material : Thick diffuser paper Connector : Micro USB

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